React Carousel

The Top React Carousel Component Libraries

December 15, 2022
Uncle Big Bay

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A React carousel is an interactive slideshow component useful for showing a collection of items. These items include things such as text, graphics, images, and even videos each at a time. It is also known as sliders, galleries, and slideshows.

Demo React Carousel

Below is a quick video demonstration of what a carousel looks like:

In this article, we’ll look at the top react carousel libraries for building simple to complex carousels faster and with less code.

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What are React Carousels Libraries?

React components are ready-to-use prewritten code for creating carousel components in a react application. They are mostly open-source and free to use.

The top React carousel component libraries are listed below in no particular order.


Fullpage.js is a fullscreen page slider library that can be used to easily create horizontal or vertical snap scrolling navigation between multiple sections in a react single page application.

Full page.js

Fullpage.js for React has over 1k stars on GitHub and over 4k weekly downloads on npm.

View how the full-page first slide transition starts here.

React Slider Swiper

React Slider Swiper or SwiperJS is a cutting-edge free mobile touch slider library with hardware-accelerated transitions and fantastic native behavior. It is intended for use in mobile websites, mobile web apps, and native/hybrid mobile applications.

React slide swiper

SwiperJS is useful to animate slides. It includes image lazy loading and transition effects by default, and it uses CSS flexbox properties for slide layout. See the SwiperJS slider demo i.e fade transition here.

React Id Swiper

React Id Swiper is a library to use Swiper (now React Slider Swiper) as a ReactJs component with 3D Cube, Coverflow, and Flip effects.

The React Id Swiper component is just a wrapper component that makes using Swiper.JS possible in a React application.

React Id Swiper has over 1k stars on GitHub and over 46k weekly downloads on npm as of the time of writing this article.

Pure React Carousel

Pure React Carousel is an unopinionated, simple carousel library that powers the structure of your carousel and gives you complete control over the slide dimensions (carousels do not automatically normalize slide dimensions) and also gives control over customizing the layout to your liking with CSS.

This is one of my favorite carousel libraries because it includes zooming functionalities that other libraries do not. Watch the zoom functionality demo below:

Cool! Right?

Pure React Carousel has over 1k stars on GitHub and over 89k weekly downloads on npm as of the time of writing this article.

React Responsive Carousel

The React Responsive Carousel library is a powerful, lightweight, and fully customizable carousel component. React Responsive Carousel includes features such as lazy loading, YouTube autoplay with custom thumbnails, and external controls for carousels.

React Responsive Carousel has over 2k stars on GitHub and over 245k weekly downloads on npm as of the time of writing this article.

Check out React Responsive Carousel demo playground on Storybook.

React Image Gallery

React image gallery is a React gallery component that allows you to create image galleries and carousels that support mobile swipe gestures, thumbnail navigation fullscreen support, custom-rendered slides, RTL support, and responsive gallery and carousel design.

Watch React Image Gallery video demo below:

Image Gallery has over 3k stars on GitHub and over 178k weekly downloads on npm as of the time of writing this article.

React Awesome Slider

React Awesome Slider is a full-page transition component that allows you to create a 60fps, extendable, highly customizable, production-ready React Component that renders an image and video gallery slider or carousel.

Below is a quick demo of a React Awesome Slider component:

Awesome Slider has over 2k stars on GitHub and over 6k weekly downloads on npm as of the time of writing this article.

React Flickity

React Flickity is a JavaScript component and React carousel component for creating touchable carousel items, and responsive, flickable carousels with custom navigation UI.

Flickity for React has over 7k stars on GitHub and over 126k weekly downloads on npm as of the time of writing this article.

Nuka Carousel

Nuka Carousel is a tiny, powerful, and accessible React carousel library with easily customizable UI and behavior to complement your brand and website.

Nuka carousel

Below is a quick video demo of a Nuka Carousel component:

Nula carousel demo

Nuka Carousel has over 2.8k stars on GitHub and over 107k weekly downloads on npm as of the time of writing this article.

Nuka carousel

React Alice Carousel

React Alice Carousel is a carousel component library that can be used to create content galleries, content rotators, and other mobile-friendly and responsive React carousel items.

react alice carousel

Alice Carousel has close to 1k stars on GitHub and over 33k weekly downloads on npm as of the time of writing this article.

react alice carousel

React Slick

React Slick is a fully customizable carousel component with its own container and snapped-enabled feature, desktop mouse dragging, autoplay, etc.

last carousel you'll need

This library has over 10k stars on GitHub and over 954k weekly downloads on npm as of the time of writing this article.

React Swipeable

React Swipeable is a simple carousel component for creating swipeable carousel item components with multiple swipe patterns.

react carousel component

Swipeable has over 1.7k stars on GitHub and over 424k weekly downloads on npm as of writing this article.

React Owl Carousel 2

React Owl Carousel 2 is a fully customizable, cross-browser compatible, responsive carousel that supports touch and drag.

react owl carousel

Owl Carousel has close to 200 stars on GitHub and over 11k weekly downloads on npm as of writing this article.

react owl carousel

React Swipe

React swipe is a lightweight ReactJS version of the Swipe.js carousel library that focuses on simplifying the carousel touch for devices and providing useful configuration options.

react swipe carousel

This library has over 1.6k stars on GitHub and over 49k weekly downloads on npm as of writing this article.

react swipe carousel

Usage trends of the top React carousel components:

The graph below depicts all-time download statistics for the top carousel components in React as of writing this article.

React carousel component statistics

Continuation for the all-time download statistics for the top carousel components in React.

React carousel component statistics

View the comparison here on NPM trends.

Wrapping Up

When you use the right carousel, creating an interactive and responsive carousel can be a breeze. We’ve gone over the top React carousel components in this article to help you get everything you want out of a carousel.

I hope this article helps you make decisions when developing a carousel for your react apps.

Finally, more articles like this can be found on our CopyCat blog. CopyCat converts your Figma files into a ready-to-use React project, saving you over 35% of development time. You can check out CopyCat here.

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Happy Coding 👨🏽‍💻

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